A job

At the moment I think the job I would like to do is interior designer but for that I need to have a professional degree.

The truth is that it is something that since I was a little girl has called my attention and I think it was all thanks to the property brothers program that they gave at home and health, I also believe that thanks to that I am studying architecture.

The work calls my attention because you can transform spaces in an incredible way, they adapt to the tastes of the people and you can create very cozy spaces, all this based on the correct use of colors and shapes that can be used, this is how you can create spaces that look elegant or more natural, there is also the minimalist style which is the one I like the most.

In fact my mom remodeled the apartment where we live in Iquique and I was in charge of looking for inspiration, the colors we could use and other details.

I think I could take courses on the use of colors or on interior design in general, to learn about textures, among other courses to learn more about this work since it is something that really interests me.

Before and after the remodeling


  1. I used to watch property brothers before i start the career, i think they
    unconsciously influenced my decision

  2. i love that you watched that show, i remember it was one of the most entertaining things i watched when i was a kid. I remember extreme makeover was also very entertaining to watch, must admit i still watch those shows quite a bit.


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