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This semester has been the one in which I have had the most subjects and it has been very difficult to organize myself well to be able to work well in all the subjects.  Even so, I still enjoyed the fact that during the semester there were more papers than written evaluations, since I get very nervous because I feel that time plays against me. One of the subjects that I liked the most was "Problematization and urban intervention" although the second part of the project I think it was too little work time to develop the proposal but as a team we did well and the one I liked the least was "Design and project management" because I had evaluations every Wednesday, so I feel that it consumed too much time and I had other work to do, because sometimes it happened that on Wednesdays I always had 3 evaluations T T. In spite of everything I haven't done too bad with the subjects, my highest grade I think was a 7 in English :D and my proudest achievement was a 6 in worksh...

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Test Practice

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