1. About me

 My name is Javiera Aliaga and I´m student of architecture in University of Chile. I was born in Iquique, in the north of Chile. I have a little brother of my dad´s side but he live in Iquique with my dad. All my family include mi mom´s side and my dad´s side lives in Iquique, and I live alone in Santiago for the university. In Iquique I have two cats named Nashira and Simona but in Santiago I don´t have pets because they are not allowed in the apartment where I live, that's why I like to go to a cat cafe called "La casa de la gata Horacia", its my favorite place when I need cat affection. My hobbies are watching Korean dramas in Netflix, watching anime and visiting different place in Santiago such a coffe shop, museums, among others. My dream is travel to Korea and other places with my mom because she is very important to me. My life in Santiago was difficult at first because I was far away from my family and everything I built there, but thanks to the friends I made at the university my days were much better. I hope to return soon to Iquique to see my family. :D

Simona and Nashira


  1. How interesting!! What are the best places in Iquique to visit?

  2. I think the dragon hill or the humberstone saltpeter works :D


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