A Chilean Landmark

Today I am going to talk about the Humberstone Saltpeter, located in the Tarapacá region.

The truth is that this is a place that I often visit because 1 is located in the region where I live, 2 is very close about 40 minutes inland from Iquique and 3 my mom loves this place so we often go there.

When I lived in Iquique I used to go to the saltpeter at least once a month or once every 2 months, but now that I live in Santiago I visit it whenever I go or almost always.

It is a place that I always go with my mom because as I said before it is a place that she loves (she says that in her past life she lived in the saltpeter because she loves to go there but she says it jokingly).

The Humberstone Saltpeter has small museums that are actually houses which have different objects found such as toys, clothes, shoes and tools, plus you can see what the houses were like at the time. Currently there is a sector of the houses that if I'm not wrong is the sector of singles that is closed as they are possible landslides.

This is a place with a lot of history that I believe that all Tarapaqueño knows.

It is a very beautiful place, especially the sunsets that form in the desert, where at night you can see the stars.

The Humberstone Saltpeter is also a place with a lot of energy so they say that there are ghosts and night tours are made in halloween time, I have never been but my mom always tells me that we could go sometime.

Humberstone Saltpeter
The school of the saltpeter


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